Much has already been written about the UFO crash at Roswell in July of l947, so I won't go over old ground. More recently a great deal has also been written about the Roswell film footage currently in possession of Mr. Ray Santilli, Managing Director of The Merlin Group in London. To verify my involvement with Ray Santilli and the film in question I would like to take this opportunity to put the facts straight.
I was first contacted by Ray Santilli almost two years ago when he discussed with me the possibility of putting together a UFO documentary video. For those that don't know, The Merlin Group has put together a number of video's on a whole host of different subjects or issued overseas video's under license here in the UK. They have never made a UFO documentary. They have also issued music tapes and commissioned books. For a variety of reasons the planned documentary with Merlin never came off but it was during this time that Ray Santilli told me the story of the Roswell film footage and how he obtained it.
Santilli claimed that at some point previously (I do not know the date) he had flown to the USA to research a documentary on the late Elvis Presley. In order to do this he had traced a veteran camerman who was one of if not the first person ever to film Elvis live on stage. Santilli purchased some archive film of Elvis from the man in question and returned to his hotel happy with the film he had obtained. Before flying back to England he was telephoned at his hotel by the camerman in question who asked him to go and see him before he left as he had something even more interesting to show him. Santilli agreed but this time it was not film of Elvis but of the UFO crash at Roswell in l947. Santilli eventually agreed to purchase the film for cash, the exact some on money involved I do not know. Having purchased the film he returned with it to England.
After being told this story both on the telephone by Ray Santilli and in London in person when I first met him I simply asked him to show it to me. Unless he did it would remain nothing more than another fanciful story.
I told Santilli's version of the story about this film to one or two of my trusted colleagues in the UK, one of whom is John Spencer, now BUFORA's Chairman. I also took the opportunity to brief Walter Andrus, International Director of MUFON when he was a speaker at BUFORA's conference in Bristol in l993. Both John and Walter asked me to keep them informed. I also contacted various Roswell researchers whose response was luke warm to say the least.
Santilli on several occasions made appointments for me to view the film in London none of which ever materialised. Reasons for this were given many of which sounded quite reasonable but I was left with no choice but to assume that Santilli's story was nothing more than just that, a story.
Over the next year or so I had infrequent contact with Santilli either on the telephone or fax machine none of which resulted in me seeing any of the film. In early l994 I was about to set to work on writing a review of the Roswell movie which stars Kyle Machlaclan and Martin Sheen. In the process of doing this I picked up the phone and called Santilli completely out of the blue. I asked him once again if he still claimed to have this film from Roswell to which he replied "yes, but you don't believe me Philip". Once again I repeated my request to see the film and again we discussed the possibility of a screening of it at Santilli's off ice in London. After a variety of more phone calls and fax messages my wife Sue and I eventually went to Ray Santilli's office in London on Friday March 17th, l995.
At this meeting with Santilli he once again told us the story of how he obtained the film footage but he did not show us any film in his office. Instead I was given a copy of a segment of film which Santilli called the "on-site examination footage" to take away and view at my leisure.
I have viewed this section of film over and over again and although it is quite poor quality a number of things can be seen. The sequence is filmed inside a construction that could be either a tent or a shed of some kind. The camera remains in a fixed position in a 'corner' of the room. At the far side of the room are two men in white coats in front of which is a 'table' of some kind on which lies a figure (presumably one of the dead aliens). This figure is partially covered by a light coloured sheet of some kind although its head, arms and legs are visible. In the foreground is a person dressed in dark clothing with his back to the camera. The inside of this place is illuminated by what look like gas or oil lamps, or even electric lights.
The two men in white coats appear to be taking 'tissue samples' of some kind whilst the person in dark clothing simply seems to walk about doing nothing in particular. The figure or alien on the table does not appear to be short nor particular tall either. Not much detail can be made out because of the poor quality of the film but its large dark eyes can be see without too much difficulty. The film is black and white and there is no sound recording to accompany it.
Intriguing though this segment was it really did not serve to do anything other than to arouse my interest even more. Whilst in Ray Santilli's office I asked him if he would speak at BUFORA's conference in Sheffield on August 19 & 20 and show the film and to my surprise he agreed to do so. Just a few days after his confirmation as a speaker at a conference that was already organised I was telephoned by a friend of mine by the name of David Clarke. David is a former BUFORA council member and is now a journalist with the Sheffield Star newspaper. David was writing a small article on a young man in Sheffield who was just starting his involvement with UFO investigations and he asked me for a few quotes about the conference so that he could give it a plug for me. I told David all about the speakers and the Ray Santilli Roswell film which he ran in the Sheffield Star. A few days later I was contacted by Whites Press Agency in Sheffield who asked me if the article in the Sheffield Star concerning the conference was correct. I confirmed that it was and they asked me a few more questions before thanking me for my time. The next thing I knew I was receiving telephone calls from TV, Radio and newspapers from around the world all wanting to know about the Roswell film, Ray Santilli and of course the conference. I told them what I could but by and large I passed then onto Mr. Santilli himself. This exposure was somewhat premature but at least it brought international attention on the film in question.
Eager to see more of the film another appointment was made with Ray Santilli for April 28th. Again my wife Sue and I visited Ray at his office in London to view another segment of film. This time we were shown one of the autopsies. Unlike the previous film this was very clear. Again it was in black and white with no sound track. The alien is laid on a slab inside what looks like a morgue or should I say hospital. The walls are all white etc. The alien is humanoid almost human looking with a enlarged abdomen, two arms two legs, but it has six digits on each of its hands and feet. There is no hair visible anywhere, the head is slightly enlarged but it has a nose, mouth, ears (these are lower on the head than a human) and two 'dark eyes'. female genitals are also visible.
The autopsy begins with the 'dark eyes' being removed. This is in fact a kind of a dark covering over the eyes itself. Once removed the eyeballs are visible underneath although they are rolled up into the head.
The alien's body is cut open and various organs are removed and placed in various receptacles. A kind of a 'crystal' or 'mineral' about the size of a marble is also removed from the chest cavity. The head is cut open and the skull sawn open to gain access to the brain.
The people conducting the autopsy are completely covered in protection suits of some kind and unfortunately the faces of these individuals are not visible. This autopsy is conducted by two people who appear at times to be also writing down the process as they go along. Behind the head of the alien is a gap then a wall with a window in. Through this window another person can be observed apparently wearing surgical clothing, cap, gown, mask etc. Unlike the first piece of film apart from a white coat the people were not wearing a surgical mask. As I am not qualified to comment on the procedure used in the autopsy nor the instruments used I will refrain from doing so. Nor will I comment on whether certain other objects in the room such as a telephone and a clock were available in l947.
On May 5th, l995, my wife Sue and I along with over 200 others were invited to attend another screening of more of the film at the Museum of London. We did attend as did Kent Jeffrey from the USA, Roberto Pinotti from Italy, Michael Hesemann from Germany along with Reg Presley and Colin Andrews to name but a few. Also in attendance were representatives from a variety of TV companies from around the world.
After a short reception we were shown into the viewing theatre in which another of the autopsies was shown. This time the alien had a damaged leg unlike the previous autopsy where the creature was fully in tact. The procedure was pretty much the same as before but by no means exactly the same. Again I will not comment on the medical procedures used nor artifacts in the autopsy room as I am not qualified to do so.
Afterwards opinions seemed to be mixed but many people including myself were a little disappointed that more of the film was not shown. However, I had now in total viewed something like 40 minutes worth of film which was becoming more interesting each time I saw more of it.
In between times on behalf of BUFORA on April 20, l995, I personally put a two page proposal to Ray Santilli to outline how we would like to conduct the analysis of the film in question. Copies of this document were also sent to John Spencer (BUFORA Chairman) and Walter Andrus (MUFON International Director) along with Ray Santilli of course. Basically it outlined that we would like a copy of all of the film in question, a copy of any and all documentation connected to it, the serial numbers from all canisters of film, plus one whole canister of the actual film itself.
Two companies in England has agreed to undertake the analysis of the film Kodak is one the other is Hasan Shah Films. I also requested access to the original camerman who had taken the film. Ray Santilli has agreed in principle to our proposals but they have yet to be put into practice.
A great many rumors have circulated and are still circulating about this film. Some of these I can not verify or deny but others I can. The first concerns Reg Presley. Reg is the lead singer with the sixties pop group The Troggs and he is well known in the UK for his interest in UFO's and crop circles. One of the rumors is that Reg is a financial backer of Ray Santilli and that his only involvement in this matter is for publicity purposes. I have spoken with Reg about these rumors and he denies them all stating that he has no financial stake in the film and he certainly does not require any publicity. His motives are purely out of interest in the UFO subject. Another rumor is that the film in question was offered to UFO researcher Jacques Vallee in Brazil some years ago. I wrote to Jacques to question this rumor and in a letter to me dated 1 May l995 he states " The rumor you heard about me, Brazil and the alleged Roswell film is just that, a rumor. I have never made any such statement. I have been told that the rumor was being spread by someone named Dan Smith, but I don�t know whether he invented it, or was simply repeating it."
Another version of this same rumor is that the film was offered to the American TV show 'Unsolved Mysteries' who automatically confirmed that it was a South American 'B' movie of some kind. On May 5th, l995 I spoke with the Unsolved Mysteries show in the USA who have once again denied this rumor. Other rumors that I personally am involved with the hoaxing of this film in order to gain publicity for BUFORA's conference and/or the Roswell movie are just as ridiculous as any of the others I have heard. I dare say that there are many more rumors circulating that have not yet come to my attention.
More recent rumors circulating on the Internet have come from Graham Birdsall editor of Quest International's UFO magazine. Birdsall just about gets everything wrong. For example he states that I released details of the film footage to the Press Association. Wrong, I released details to David Clarke as outlined above. He also goes on to say that I never informed any UFO researchers from around the world about the film. Again wrong.
In l993 I informed my colleagues at BUFORA including Jenny Randles and John Spencer plus I also informed Walter Andrus, MUFON's International Director. Added to this I also sent details in l994 to Roswell researcher and author Kevin Randle plus USA researchers Don Ecker and Vicki Cooper. Colleagues at UFO Norway were also informed. Birdsall, in his Internet 'facts' even quotes the wrong code number on the original Roswell 16mm film. He describes it as 'KODA with a black solid triangle and a black solid circle'. It is in fact 'KODA with a black solid triangle and a black solid square'. Birdsall also goes on about zoom lenses being used in the autopsy sequence shown in London. Having viewed the film myself only once I am unable to remember any such.
Please be aware at this point that Birdsall has not viewed any of the film. Birdsall also goes on to state that Ray Santilli�s company is in receivership and that myself and/or BUFORA have promoted the film footage as genuine. For his and everyone else's information Ray Santilli's company is not in receivership and at no time have I or anyone else at BUFORA promoted the film footage as genuine. There has been some misleading press statements attributed to me but if people wish to believe these that is up to them. A longer reply to Birdsall from myself has been posted on the Internet.
In between all of this the first stills from the footage were shown by myself with the permission of Ray Santilli at a UFO conference on May 19 & 20 held in the Republic of San Marino. Sponsored by the San Marino government and organised by the Italian group Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN) . Seven stills were used from the second autopsy sequence. The showing of these stills was restricted to members of the CUN and representatives of the San Marino government. I have also been asked to speak about this film in France, Germany and Brazil. invitations which I will probably accept, time and work allowing.
In my opinion BUFORA and myself have approached this whole issue in an unbiased manner and have treated all parties concerned correctly and professionally. We have put to Ray Santilli a sound and reasonable plan to undertake the analysis of the film and if he agrees to cooperate then we may well begin to get to the bottom of the matter. We have attempted to follow up any rumors that could at least be feasible but to date (29.5.95) none of them have yet stood up to scrutiny.
For the record I would like to state here and now that I do have any opinions one way or the other regarding this film footage. I trust that Ray Santilli will eventually cooperate with BUFORA and allow the film to be analysed and then and only then will we truly start to get to the bottom of things. Until such a time I remain firmly on the fence and I do not know if the film is genuine of fake.
Members of the Bufora Council and the Witness Support Group had the opportunity to view one of the autopsy segments on Saturday June 3rd at a meeting in London. The viewing of this film was arranged by myself in cooperation with Ray Santilli. This was the first opportunity for others at BUFORA to view the film and a number of very positive ideas were put forward with regards to its analysis which we hope to action in the future.
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